Monday, July 27, 2015

Funny (but true) facts about taking up social dancing

Social dancing is just that: 50% socializing, 50% dancing :) it comes with new friends, dance-evenings, parties, dance shows, even dance contests for the most passionate and daring adults (this goes in the direction of sport dancing)
All in all, it's great, especially for extroverts... Dancing makes us happier, more optimistic, better in some many ways...
However, to have "the whole package" you need the right school and the right crowd :-)

From crowded "low-level" dance schools, to professional Sport-dance clubs, I've experienced it all...I've gone from trying to convince all my friends to join dancing classes, to having to swallow all kind of excuses :) to making new friends an the dance-floor, in dance-school and basically anywhere where there's a dancing event ongoing :-) because a hobby is what brings people together.

A lot of people don't really get "dancing as a hobby"... :-) Like the look of a person, after you've told them that you and your husband/friend are taking dance classes and you're even sometimes attending dance competitions... Some people look up at you with admiration :) These are the people who understand passion, who've lived it (perhaps on dancing, perhaps on other sport..or other activity).. But then, there will always be others who will make a long face... and just say "Dancing?!" while actually thinking "Dancing?! now why on earth would you pick such a hobby, why can't you go to the gym like a normal person... and why oh why are you dragging your husband - against his own will - into this dancing - what-ever nonsense?" ... this is all so funny for me, cause they are the ones "not knowing what they are loosing " :)

 Truth is that not all people understand dancing, not all people want to understand dancing, not all people are "dancer material"; some people prefer not even to try, other find various excuses, that - in time - I find more and more funny...
People have preconceptions... they have impressions that are really not true... so, let me clarify some of stuff :-)) so, if a friend asks you to take up dance classes, before you say "no + the lamest excuse ever", please consider the following true facts about dancing :-)

If your excuse is "Oh.. umm.. I can't attend a dance class, because I have always had two left legs", you should know that all people have "two left legs" before their first dancing class. So, instead of de-motivating yourself, tell yourself this: "Ohh come on, man up! That is the whole point in taking a class :D if I knew how to dance, you would not need to take the class in the first place." ... before your pissed off friend says to you "Oh, so I bet you didn't go to school in the first grade cause you didn't know the letters and you had two left arms, right?!"

"I've tried attending a course but the teacher told me I have two left legs" - If you've ever heard this during a dance-class, never - but never - go back in there. Actually, ask for your money back, cause that teacher is stupid. His/ her job is to turn the "two left legs" into "two right legs" , so the teacher is too lame to do his job, to explain everything in an understandable way.. as I said: this is not funny, but said for that dance instructor. Find a professional club to pick up dancing.

"My dance partner told me I have two left legs"... so, don't give up dancing, just give up that partner :-) while learning, tolerance is a very very valuable tip ;;) Remember there will be conflicts, toe-stepping, but since it's "social dancing" , consider that it's a lot of "socializing", before you actually reach "dancing" :))

If you are truly interested in taking up a dance class, find the right place for you, depending on what you want... Don't be afraid to search some more, it you don't "blend in" with the first dancer-crowd :)

"I don't understand the music" -excuse... Well, nobody really understands the music before their first class .. or before the first 3-month course :) some of us.. not even after the first year :P... now that I've already said so much... I can admit (without too much shame :P) that it took me years to actually understand the music :-) I attended a contest dancing - one of the choreographies) totally out-of-music (ok.. in my defense, it was among our first contests).

Or when a guy says "Dancing?! That's for girls.. I took up football." and you can only hear: "Dancing? Why would I hold and dance with a beautiful girl, on the dance floor, when I can go and run around with the crowd, chasing a ball" :-) Well, this is mean. I do support any sport activity, but I don't support people (or parents) who think that "football is for boys, dancing is for girls".. Oh well... :-)

And last but not least... "that guy" who's way too "manly" to join dance classes, but complains when some random dancer invites his girlfriend to the dance-floor - and she likes it ;;) or "that girl" who was too busy to take dance classes and now some cute guy comes along to invite her to dance and she's excited but way too worried, about her "two left legs" :))

Social dancing is somewhere between "nice to have" and "mandatory" ... not "math-mandatory"(because math is mandatory :P ) but more like "social-mandatory" ;;) if you know what I mean :)
So, think twice before saying "no" to dancing... or well, think as many times as it takes for you before you say "yes" ;;) This activity is clearly worth at least a "drive test" :) of let's say one month...