
How to spend some quality time with your friends?

Of course the classic approach would be to hang out in the city... but, here are some quite entertaining alternatives, to a night out!

Board Games

... are one of my favorite recipes, for spending quality time with your friends, family, neighbors or work-colleagues!
Easy to find, low cost & fun-full!!!
Whether you prefer
*strategy (e.g. Settlers of Catan, Dominion, Agricola),
*war (e.g. Risk, Game of Thrones),
*team-strategy (e.g. Shadows over Camelot),
*deductive (e.g. Cluedo),
or *party games (e.g. Dixit, Activity, Werewolves),
I'm sure you will find a handful of board games to choose from!

Real Room Escape Games 

... where fun meets excitement, team-work, collaboration ...and Logic :)
We accidentally discovered this type of fun during a vacation in Prague, while searching TripAdvisor for tips ... and I loved the idea since the very beginning!
Since then, we are literally hunting such games everywhere we go! (we played room escape games in Vienna, Belgrade, Timisoara, Sibiu and still I have a couple of locations on my list!)

If you are not familiar with real-room-escape-games, here's a short introduction...

Lateral Thinking Puzzles

... are a great way to practice your thinking out of the box skills. 
One person in the group, who knows the puzzle and the solution to it, will be the story-teller or moderator (so, we need minimum 2 people). It is implied that the other players (besides the story-teller) don't know the solution to the puzzle.
The story-teller will present the facts (the story is usually something unexpected and no logical is straight forward) and ask the question. During the game, players consult with each-other, make assumptions, ask questions. The story-teller is only allowed to give simple answers, without revealing too much. Basically the story-teller can influence the difficulty of the puzzle, by giving away hints, like what aspects to focus on. Step by step, the players start being open-minded and find the correct solution to the puzzle. (read more)

To see the Lateral Thinking Puzzles created by me, follow this link