Saturday, February 21, 2015

Some ideas of "fun in Budapest"!

When visiting a new place, are you always in search of fun, interactive activities?
Are you an active person, that doesn't really like to follow the classic tourist paths when visiting a city?

Then perhaps some tips and tricks, from my recent Budapest visit, may be of your interest :-)

We don't usually do the <<group guided city visits>> and we don't always go for the classical "must see" sights. Usually we select the interactive & fun experiences...

Here's some of my favorite "to do's" in Budapest:

RoomEscape Games - Out of all the European cities, I think Budapest is home to most real room escape games. I heard there are over 100 games in the city... basically, there's plenty to choose from, for every visit :-)
This time we tried two of them, from different "providers": Claustrophilia and Trap

Both of them were interesting and each left an impression... Every room-escape game is designed in a different way so it's pretty hard to get bored from playing!
The goal [to get out in time] is the only constant for each real room escape game :-) During the first plays, it's most probably you won't get out in time, but after some games, "not failing" becomes a personal goal :-D
It's been a while since we've been playing these games and I must say, while playing the game @Trap, I had some doubts we were actually going to make it :-)
But, our 5 members-team managed to work together and ... successfully we got out with 5 more minutes to go ;;)

We played one game from each, so there are some "scenarios" left for when we come back next time :-) Besides, we collected Cards from other room escape games in Budapest, for our next visit.

Aquaworld - a collection of indoor and outdoor pools, hosting a great variety of water-slides... I'm usually not a great slide-fan, but you can find some also for the "weak-hearts" :-)
Thanks to a great friend, I got over my "slide-fears" :P and had a great deal of fun!
Overall, the indoor place is not so big, but during the warm season there are also a variety of outdoor activities.

Miniversum - a collection of interactive miniature worlds... saying more would spoil the visit, plus, I'd rather let some pictures describe it...

So, whether you're traveling with children, or just in the mood to feel like a child again :D , don't miss a tour of the Miniversum... A tour of miniature European sights that becomes even more lively during the evening when the lights go off and the miniatures "come to life" :-)  

While we're talking "miniature worlds", did you get a chance to visit the "Marzipan Museum" of Budapest? ... Some of the Marzipan art, left me nostalgic about the cartoons I grew up with... :-)

So, for now I have only one thing left to say... Have fun, the next time you're in Budapest!